Sunday, December 14, 2008

F. W. Kool. Yeah, Man.

It may be warm outside today, but I'm all cool inside.

Fa la la la: Christmas festivities

It's a fun time of year. We're all getting in the holiday spirit, including Aunt Beth and Uncle Scotty who invited me over for a Christmas party and taught me some new dance moves. They also gave me and my sister some very cool new books, like Madeline in Rome (where they will visit the cats and monuments with me one day). Auntie Cara and I enjoyed some crackers and cream cheese while Mama enjoyed Auntie Beth's "special" hot chocolate.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Fun Times Downtown

While Luke was visiting, Niamh and I took him downtown and showed him around. I think he was impressed.

This is my "say cheese" smile:

We went to Kudu, Dad's favorite coffee place. They practice "Fair Trade." Not sure what that means, really, but they have a fun place to hang out and lots of other interesting customers. I've been here before (Christmas time last year), but never got to climb the stairs like this time.

Introducing... cousin Lukas! Okay, yes I know, I've already introduced him when he was first born 10 months ago, but this was our first introduction to each other. He's great. I got to play with him and show him my cool toys. We're buds. I even shared my Dad with him.

This was Thanksgiving. Aunt Chris taught me how to make funny faces with food in my mouth. See?

The Wagon

Aunt Chris and Uncle Joel gave me and my sister this AWESOME wagon for Christmas. It's the deluxe version. That means it's got a place for my sippy cup. It's fun to pull Niamh around, fun for me at least, but just as fun to ride in it with Mama pulling.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Brunch, brunch, munch and la la la

We had brunch at Aunt Cara's and Uncle Paris'. I love brunch. The adults had bellinis and I had peach juice. Delicious.

Aunt Beth wasn't sharing, but she did play with me.

My Waterdoodle kept me occupied. Funny, though, it didn't work so well on Aunt Cara's walls or couch or anywhere else except the pad.

Magnadoodle Rediscovered

For a while I lost interest in my Magnadoodle, preferring crayons and paint instead. Lately, however, the Magnadoodle is interesting again. I think this might be because my sister likes it, too. It's okay--I know how to share:

Thursday, November 13, 2008


[Note not only Finn's intense concentration, but the pride he displays in completing his tower. He is lately, by the way, very into wearing necklaces].

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Grrrrrrrr! Halloween.

On campus at College of Charleston:

"Wait--you're a tiger, right?"
"Ah, yeah. What are you?"

"Now if I can just pull his tail..."

"Got ya"

After a long day of trick-or-treating on campus and a visit to the Haunted House at the public library (not so scary), I took a little catnap before trick-or-treating back at home base.

Orange Blobs Part II

Remember those orange blobs Mom and Dad took me to see last weekend? Well, we cut them open and pulled out all the mush and then put smiles on them. It was fun. And messy. Then we put fire inside and they glowed.

It tastes like squash.

Carmichael family pumpkins:

Monday, October 27, 2008


Mama and Da [Finn's new title for Tim] took me to this place where they have lots of big orange blobs. Mom and Da were really excited, but I'm really not sure why. They told me to pick one out, but how to choose??

Personally I found the hot dog stand far more appealing. (Mama and Da later made me a Hebrew National dog for dinner).

Aunt Cara gave me some cheese to tide me over. She had fun chasing me all over the place.

The goats are awesome!

Me, Ma and Da.