Sunday, March 23, 2008


Spring affords lots of beautiful flowers and new grass (not to mention really, really, bright sunshine) to investigate.

Easter brunch: a feast to feast my eyes on...

Some people say I'm a little messy when it comes to eating.

I say I just have a good appetite and enjoy food.

But, I can have really good manners, too.

Ye wee Lad

True to my heritage, I thought I'd dress up for the occasion of St. Patrick's Day. I need to find me a little lass who can read.

Seems like I'm an important little guy, since Mom and Dad named me for the 6th c. Irish saint (spelled Finnian) who also had a following in Scotland (homage to my surname). Like me, he was a great scholar, was extremely popular in his day, and even had his own feast day (mine is coming up soon enough).

I think St. Finn also enjoyed a good Guinness or two after those long days of copying manuscripts.


We're hoping Finn doesn't get too used to this view...

At eleven months Finn learned to kneel up in his crib (he has since learned to stand up). Thrilled at his accomplishment, for two days he did it over and over and over, again and again, and again (even in the wee hours of the night). We were thrilled for him. Only problem? Initially he couldn't figure out how to get out of the position and screamed bloody murder until someone rescued him from his predicament. Thankfully, he has since learned how get back into a sitting position.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Mom's Party

My mom is real special. She's so special, in fact, that she's getting ready to turn 30 for the second time in a row! Granddad and Grandmama are visiting to celebrate the occasion, and of course to see me and spoil me and stuff.

In honor of mom and me, we enjoyed a super nice meal out at the Barbadoes Room, and I ate scallops, lamb and duck, as well as some mushroom risotto and various veggies and an entire adult size bowl of blueberry yogurt and some other concoctions including key lime pie. Whew!

Yeah, everyone expressed amazement at my appetite, to be sure. But aside from the heavy chowing down, I also endeavored to turn on the charm so as to further distract my awesome mom from her Aging Process, whatever that is:

Friday, March 7, 2008

Laughing at Life

Mom and Dad often say that I am easily amused. I admit that I find the sound "choo" to be very funny. Don't ask me why. I just do.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Cat Island Getaway

Dad decided he should take Mama on something called a babymoon before my Sprout gets here. I suggested we go to Micronesia, but Dad said we needed to stay closer to home in case Mom went into labor. So we visited a new part of the state: Cat Island. It was no Republic of Chuuk, mind you, but the B & B was beautiful, the food fantastic, and I got to catch up on my reading.

For example, there was this one. It's not a classic, and likely won't ever be, but still it's pretty decent. It's about the dog named Spot. The plot line isn't overly complex, so it makes for good bedtime reading. The narrative structure and character development impress me every time, too.

That said, I confess that I can't get enough of the scene in which Spot poops in the neighbor's yard and runs away before he gets caught. That's something Marley would do!

This grass thing still is a little weird. It's definitely growing on me, though. And with a little help, I'm starting to stand up on my own two feet.

Not only did I broaden my geographical horizons, I also broadened my culinary tastes: shrimp and black bean quesedilla, curry chicken salad, and Moroccan lamb, all for lunch.

If you asked me what my favorite was...I'd have to choose the curry. My applause tells you how much I enjoyed the meal.

Also, one of the Harley Davidson biker ladies flirted with me and called me "little doodle-bug." I wanted to go for a ride with her, but Dad said he'd hold me instead.