Monday, May 19, 2008

Carolina Beach Boy

It's a beautiful Sunday morning, so we all headed for the beach. I barely remember it from the last time I was there so it was a pretty new experience. I got to wear swimming trunks and a beach hat.

The wide expanse of sand is pretty amazing. Oh, and a little hint to my cousin for when he next visits me and we play at the beach: sand looks appetizing, not so tasty; sea water looks quenching, not so tasty.

Daddy and I work on my first castle.

The beach had a rather slumbering effect on me. I fell asleep on the way home with a funny sensation like I was still floating on the water.

Look What I Can Do!

Yup, that's right. You're not seeing an optical illusion here. No fancy digital retouching. This is the real thing. I am holding my own bottle now. I decided that given I'm now a big boy, eating big boy food, and soon to be walking like a big boy, and because Mommy seems a little harried in the mornings having to feed me and Niamh (often at the same time), I'd give her a break and feed myself.

Mama's Day (aka Mother's Day)

Daddy said we had to be extra special nice to Mommy because it was her day. We spent lots of special time with her, including at the park. My favorite was the swing. I'm not yet sold on the slide, but Dad assures me I'll come to like it. I love being Mom's boy (Daddy says to note that I'm Mom's boy, not a "Mama's boy", though I'm not quite sure what the difference is).

Wheeee! (Take 1)

Wheeeee! (Take 2)


We may not be hiking any mountains yet, but still, it's fun to hike around the neighborhood. Mom got me and my sister this cool carrier. It's called a mei tai (not like the drink, silly). Supposedly it allows Mom to have her hands free sometimes. Niamh likes it too, but she hangs out in front like a kangeroo baby (she's too little to go on Mom or Dad's back. I'm a big boy). Dad and I will do Mt. Everest one day (but maybe I'll carry him on MY back).

Monday, May 5, 2008

Grandpa and Nana's Visit (and other Stuff)

Mom got this new limo so that we (Niamh and I) could go for walks together. I like the other side-by-side stroller better because in that one I can actually reach and pinch and play with my sister. Mom likes this one better--I can't figure out why...

Hanging out with the men.

Nana says I'm a good helper:

Breakfast at the Hominy Grill.

Building Blocks Part 2

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Building Blocks of Life

Grandpa and Nana came to visit me for my birthday and got me these awesome wood blocks. I've thoroughly inspected and tested them out; while I haven't yet managed to bring my latest architectural plans to fruition, I have practiced knocking down whatever Mom and Dad build...

Daddy seems to enjoy my blocks almost as much as I do: