Thursday, July 5, 2007

Independence Day: 12 weeks old (exactly!)

We spent the Fourth at Heather and Bill's (with Luke of course)--included among the company were Bill (Sr.) and Lucy, Flo and Barry, Nicole, Miss Pat and Mr. Ebbin, and Miss Meg. After munching on appetizers and peach cobbler and banana splits, we enjoyed fireworks staged and executed by Bill and Nicole. Finn seemed to notice flashes of light, but eventually fell asleep to the "boom" of all the surrounding works.

Here's Mommy with Finn displaying his patriotism through his outfit.

Luke took a real interest in baby Finn, gently poking his hands and feet (with supervision, of course)...

"Hey Mom, look at Finn. We're going to be the best of friends, just like our mommies!" --Luke.

Luke can't wait for Finn to grow up so they can play together. Finn's already becoming a ladies' man...

We were trying for a family photo here, but Finn was tired of posing for the camera.

"Whew! These holidays are exhausting."

1 comment:

Heather said...

What a precious idea! Love the site! Love, Auntie Heather