Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Road Trip Part 3: The Final Leg

After Iowa we turned east to Chicago where I visited Grandpa and Mimi. What fun! Aunt Chris also came down to spend some extra time with me. We're pals. And...Grandpa and Mimi celebrated Christmas with me (AGAIN!!).

A drawstring is kinda like spaghetti. Grandpa and I share a laugh at Daddy's expense.

Look at the big box from Grandpa and Mimi!

Aunt Chris' belly is a comfy headrest. That's my cousin in there. We're going to be great friends. I can't wait to meet my new cousin!

Whoa, it looks like something weird is in the water around here.

Mommy and Daddy took me to a special conference. The papers weren't so interesting this year--too much Plato and not enough Statius. It wore me out.

I got to meet one of Mommy's former Latin students from Indiana U. He's now working on a big degree at Madison.

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