Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cuttin' the Hairs

I've heard people say that you always have to have a first haircut. I didn't know what they meant, but I discerned that my dad disagreed and my mom agreed. That confused me because usually they agree on everything.

Some "before" photos:

And then the next thing I knew they both captured me and transported me within county lines to a place that specializes in the scissor-threat torture of underage American citizens. I resisted for about six seconds, until I got a lollipop and a seriously cool book about the jungle.

Some "during" photos:

After the whole ordeal I decided that mom was right and dad needed to adjust to the newest stage of my life, which was the hair-cut one.

Some "after" photos:

1 comment:

Aunt Chris said...

awwww. mom and aunt chris will take the handsome boy for a nice spa day on his next trip to madison!