Saturday, April 26, 2008

Becoming a Toddler

Becoming a toddler is hard work, but definitely worth it.

Here I am exercising with my wagon. I'm taking more steps, but really I prefer to walk around the perimeter of furniture. Mom and Dad are impressed that I've stood alone for a few seconds, but since I still really enjoy being carried around, I'll hold off on the solitary walking for a bit.

Grandmama and I had fun for a couple of weeks and then Grandad came down to visit too. He taught me how to make paper airplanes. He's an engineer, so he knows about stuff like that. The paper airplanes are not only fun to fly, but fun to eat.

Grandad also taught me about the benefits of the NY Times Book Review.

And I've discovered that my collection is lacking in a few of this week's recommendations.

Yup, that's Niamh, my baby sister. She's pretty ok. And she's kinda cute, too. But I still don't understand why Mom and Dad don't allow me to pinch her, or poke her, or use her as a drum...

If you look closely, you'll see that I've now got two top teeth, and two more coming in. Teething is part of growing up, but if you ask me, it's kinda painful and not as fun as eating.

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