Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Finn has a Cousin!!!

Woo hoo! Yippee! Oh yeah, baby! And yay, too!

Lucky me! Aunt Chris and Uncle Joel had a baby two days ago so now I have my first cousin!

His parents haven’t yet decided how they’re going to spell his name, so I don’t want to give anything away, but I am so excited to have a cousin to play with and grow up with! I can’t wait to exchange visits between Madison and here, though we’ll probably spend more time here because there’s lots to do in Charleston and in the winter this place doesn’t become a frigid, icy wasteland of agony.

Anyhow, here’s his picture. Isn't he cute? Clearly we're related. Hopefully it won’t be too long before we can get our pictures taken together and play trucks and space missions and car racing and duck chasing and wrestling with the dogs and tree climbing and everything else.

Drink your milk little cousin, so you can get big and strong and highly coordinated like me! Let's do stuff!

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