Friday, February 22, 2008

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!

Finn and his buddy, Luke, decided to go on a picnic. They invited their Moms to come along. (Apparently they don't yet cramp their style.)

Wow. Now if I could just get my legs to move that fast...

"S" is for sharing. "S" is also for the strawberries we ate.

Soft, plush grass: the perfect medium for working on crawling, rolling, and giving Mama lots of grass stains to wash out.

Snuggling with Luke. And then I snuggle with Auntie Heather to help her settle down for a nap.

Yee haw! This new swing thing is pretty neat, but not nearly as captivating as that funny guy on the ground who seems to do everything I do.

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