Friday, February 1, 2008

Welcome Home Grandmama and Grandad!

Yay! Grandmama and Grandad have moved back to Virginia from Tokyo, so now I'll be seeing them a lot more frequently! They came for a visit just a week back from returning, and though still a little jet-lagged we all had lots of fun together:

We went out for Mexican food; at first Grandad fed me some squash, but later I discovered that I love enchiladas, burritos and refried beans. Mama says the beans are good for my digestive tract, whatever that means. I made friends with one of the other diners and she made me laugh, so I flirted with her for a bit. I am a Southern Gentleman, afterall.

Grandmama cooked lots of food for me over the weekend and I discovered I especially love roast beef with gravy and mashed potatoes and lemon chicken. I also love Zweiback and I've become pretty proficient at feeding myself.

The second most exciting news of the month? I learned to crawl. Yup, I'm on the move now. It's only the army crawl, but I've now mastered that and am focusing on trying to crawl up on all fours. Mobility is great. Pretty soon I'll be walking, too!

Grandmama and Grandad had to return to Virginia to move back into their house, but they'll be back next month. By then I'll really be mobile.

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