Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Stages of Bedtime

Stage One: Dinner, usually whatever Mama and Dad are having, pureed if necessary. New favorites include Dad's collard greens (makes for an interesting morning, however), Thai coconut soup, spicy General Tao's chicken, pasta with sauce du jour, salmon, and grouper. Gouda cheese is the new favorite snack.

(This is the "before" pic).

Stage Two: Bathtime. Finn loves his bath and would stay in for hours if he could. The crab and dolphin are his favorite squirters, the duck a close second, and the pelican his least favorite. He shows potential for being a swimmer as he now thinks it's fun to plunge his head forward under the water.

Stage Three: Cuddle time. A gentle rock in the rocking chair makes sleepy eyes even sleepier.

Stage Four: In bed and sucking the thumb. Need we say more?

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